
Items are made-to-order, and processing time is typically 3-7 business days, unless otherwise notified. Domestic shipping rates are calculated based on shipping address and weight and are shown at checkout. You will receive an email containing your order tracking information once your item ships.

All international customs, taxes, and other fees are the responsibility of the customer. The cost will vary by value and country, so please be aware of what to expect before purchasing. Refunds are not given if a package is refused due to customs fees or any other reason.

Please let us know if an item arrives damaged within 14 days, and we will ship a replacement to you. Sending photos of a damaged item/package helps us improve printing and shipping issues and is greatly appreciated.

Because our products are made-to-order, The Finished Project is unable to accept returned items unless the item arrives visibly defective or damaged from shipping or printing. If there is an issue with your order, please contact us at maegen@thefinishedproject.org within 14 days of receiving your item.

All content, text, and images on this website are subject to copyright law and may not be replicated or reproduced without permission. Replicating, reproducing, and/or remixing original artwork without crediting The Finished Project is stealing. Violators are subject to prosecution under applicable copyright laws. Don’t be an asshole.

If you'd like to share our products, images, poetry, and information, please contact maegen@thefinishedproject.org.